Just like Grandma used to make, our apple cake gets great spice flavor from pumpkin or apple pie spice. The Vanilla Butter Sauce poured over the cake is...
This light and fluffy cheesecake is a perfect dessert for the summertime. It can be prepared in less than 10 minutes and you don't have to turn on your...
This tie dye cake is not difficult to prepare because you start with a cake mix and canned frosting. Get the cool colors with McCormick® Assorted NEON!...
These carrot cake bars combine the spicy-sweet flavor of traditional carrot cake with creamy, smooth cheesecake and lemon extract for an irresistible dessert....
This nostalgic twist on traditional carrot cake is just in time for Easter. Smother delicious spiced carrot cake with decadent creamy filling and top with...
Create a show-stopping dessert table with luscious Lemon Citrus Cake. Use McCormick® Pure Lemon Extract to create bright, citrusy lemon flavor in the...
La combinación de guayaba y queso es muy común en muchos postres latinoamericanos. Aunque la exótica guayaba no se usa tradicionalmente en flanes, la...
You can't beat the convenience of a cake mix for preparing cupcakes. Give it a personal touch by adding cinnamon and vanilla to the cake mix and a final...
There's some major adorableness hatching in the kitchen ... these fun and festive Baby Chick Cupcakes! Start with pre-made mini cupcakes. Pipe two dollops...
This cake is flavored with a Middle Eastern spice blend, Shawarma, which contains warm, aromatic spices like allspice, coriander, cinnamon and ginger....